Gundam Converge Age 1 and Age 2

Before taking photos of the MG Unicorn, I had to take some of the Gundam Converge series first. Simply because I don’t want to switch back to the 50mm lens yet.

So anyways, The Gundam Converge boxes are really growing on me.

Even the back of the boxes look pretty nice with all those texts packed into it.

And here’s the Age 1 and Age 2, from the Converge series.

Didn’t really bother taking the photos in the other room, cause I still haven’t cleaned off the desk yet. But interestingly… Age 2 (On the left) looks alot better in comparison, in this super deformed version.

So, like all the previous Gundam Converge series, only the arms rotate, and even when you do rotate them for another pose… it just looks odd.

So they’re pretty much just meant to stand there on your shelves.

But the seam lines throughout this Super Deform series is really crazy, I think it may have even more seam lines than the Master Grade.


As for Age 2, there’s not as much details throughout the body.

Just like the MG of Age 1 and Age 2, Age 1 has alot more seam lines all over the place. And Age 2, shown in various expo’s, looks extremely plain.

Looking over these photos, I’m almost tempted to get Age 2, despite how it looks like a High Grade 1/100 and the details on the parts.

Now… I can finally switch my lens back to 50mm, and stay with 50mm for a  little while.